Valuation: Development Property Valuation

Valuation provided for Interests where redevelopment is required to achieve the highest and best use, or where improvements are either being contemplated or are in progress at the valuation date.

Service Overview

Development activities differ from single to multiple residential activities and also to industrial zones, shopping centres, mixed development projects, and other retail developments etc. The development can make many of diverse forms and produces a variety of possibilities concerning what is developed.

A development property may be an interest which development is required to attain the highest and best use at the valuation date including the construction of buildings, previously undeveloped land with provided infrastructure, the improvement or alteration of existing buildings or structures, and land allocated for development in a statutory plan etc.

Who Need This Service?

Property owners, Investors, Lending organizations, Government institutions.

When they Need This Service?

  • When looking for a development in their property.
  • When contemplating to invest in a property.
  • To secure a loan from a financial institution.

01. To make informed decisions

Able to make informed decisions on the development project.

02. Best option for the property

Assess and choose the best use and best option for the property.

03. To get professional advice

Able to get professional advice from the experts.

04. To find the future market value

Ability to anticipate the future market value of the property.

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