Valuation: Public Assets Valuation

Valuation of assets owned and/or controlled by governmental or quasi-governmental entities to provide goods or services to the general public.

Service Overview

The public asset refers the assets/properties which can be tangible or intangible, owned by State, including physical property, proprietary rights and land etc. and we are experienced in valuing those type of complex properties and assets for various purposes as per their requests.

Who Need This Service?

Government institutions, financial institutions, Company directors, Investors

When they Need This Service?

When a government institution is preparing financial reports, looking forward to privatization planning, loan origination and bond issuance.

01. Gain a holistic understanding

Gain a holistic understanding of all publicly owned lands.

02. Visualize development potential

Visualize development potential for priority sites, based on existing development in the marketplace

03. Identify the net municipal revenue

Identify the net municipal revenue impact of potential private development.

04. To manage fund

Take steps to create a Public Wealth Fund to manage community real estate assets

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